Available since last Saturday in Cambodia, the application Pokémon Go is already polemic. In issue, the choice by the famous game of the prison at Tuol Sleng in Phnom Penh as a place of hunting.
In the 1970s, thousands of prisoners died in this former Khmer Rouge prison, known under the name of S-21 and today museum of genocide. "It is an insult for the souls of the victims who died here," is outraged Bou Meng, a sexagénaire survivor of Tuol Sleng, adding that "it is a place of suffering. This is not appropriate to play this game here."
Of the players in the enclosure of the Museum
Chhay Visoth, the director, has not specified whether it was going to ask the developer of Pokémon Go, Niantic, delete the place of its application, as this has already been done for some places. This is the case for the ossuary of Douaumont, erected in memory of the fallen soldiers during the First World War at the battle of Verdun.
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