A filter launched Tuesday by Snapchat allowing to transform the faces in the characters of manga has since been deleted by the responsible for the app. In cause, the indignation of several users having found "racist" and bearer of stereotypes on the Asian.
If the functions that allow you to customize and modify the photos of snapchateurs are the trademark of the appli of ephemeral sharing of pictures and videos, the possibility of expanding the cheekbones and give the eyes a form clocked has quickly created an outcry on the social networks.
For Snapchat, this filter was however that a fun tool allowing to dive the users in the universe of Japanese cartoons. The platform to the 100 million of registrants in the world has, however, specified that the function had been deleted.
.@Snapchat wanna tell me why u thought this yellowface was ok?? pic.twitter.com/sgpW4AFPsE— grace (@tequilafunrise) August 9, 2016
[Full-Width]Dear @Snapchat , thanks for the overly-racist new filter...when can we expect Blackface? pic.twitter.com/vKZn18NDYM— Brian (@bkisnah) August 9, 2016
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